It's time.
The last true piece of baby equipment needs to leave the house.
I may cry. Oh who am I kidding? I WILL cry.
Slowly but very surely, the massive collection of baby paraphernalia has exited the house. At first, I cheered. Bouncy seats, baby swing, exersaucers and floor exercise equipment all left the house one by one. I fondly remember the day our living room was no longer decorated in pastel and neon plastic. What a moment to walk straight across the carpet instead weaving in and out of baby 'stuff'.
But my baby was still a baby then. It didn't hurt to get rid of those things. I still had my baby, who still needed to be tucked into her crib at night.
Just two days ago I commented to Heath how grateful I was that even though Keeley is such a climber, she has never tried to climb out of her crib. She must have been listening. She almost made it out herself this morning.
And so, down will go the side of the crib so she can get in and out without breaking something important on her chubby body. Bunk bed shopping will earnestly begin since the girls share a room.
And I shall go and have a good cry by myself in the bathroom where no one in this family can make fun of me. They don't understand. All you mothers out there do.
I will have a good sob over my last baby turning into a little girl in the blink of an eye. They will be tears for what is over and tears for being finished this part of motherhood. They will be mixed with tears of gratefulness too...thankful for a wonderful two year old who is able to climb and run and draw pictures of Mommy and Daddy. I will never forget that after her birth, we did not know if she would do any or all of those things.
And in the middle of my sob fest, a child will start urgently knocking on the door, the phone will ring, the old mutt will start peeing on the carpet and someone will start yelling "Get your foot off my ear!!"
How many years until Keeley goes to college?
Peach pit carving
6 hours ago
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