I love being at home full time. Not that most people would gather that from the vast majority of my posts but I really do mean it. I'm not good at the whole high stress thing. I'm not a good multi-tasker when it comes to juggling work, children, house, and yes let's not forget relationship with the hubby.
"The plan" is for me to go back to work when Keeley goes to school. Most days I'm quite fine with this.
But once in a while, I get an itch.
I dropped Eilidh off into her new grade one class. She was so proud to be showing me her beautiful new classroom. As I looked around the room, it came out of nowhere. A gorgeous little boy. And I wished I could stay and be a part of his learning in amongst this group of children.
I admit, I looked quite jealously at the classroom aide. She didn't look thrilled to be there. I wanted to be in her shoes. I'd be smiling.
But I walked out of the room (with Keeley screaming because she wanted to stay) and sauntered home in the sunshine, planning my day and all I wanted to accomplish for my family.
Work will always be there. And it's best to be at home right now.
But it does get itchy at times.
Peach pit carving
6 hours ago
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